Windows Live Messenger Emoticons

Windows Live Messenger Emoticons for Windows

3.4 (52person)

The description of Windows Live Messenger Emoticons - Play With New Friends

Fun emoticons for MSN Live messengerIMPORTANTSkypeThe Complete Guide to Moving from Messenger to SkypeIf you're bored of the emoticons available for Windows Live Messenger then you can liven it up with this collection of 16 new ones.Emoticons for Windows Live Messenger features everything from smiley faces to faces with hats on and some are animated for extra zest. In addition, you can be guaranteed these emoticons won't damage your messenger or system as they are an official Microsoft release.Windows Live Messenger Emoticons has been given mainly a festive custom theme that means that most of the faces are wearing Santa hats and other weird and wonderful decorations. This means they'll obviously go out of fashion pretty quickly but for the meantime, they'll have your contacts a intrigued as to where you got them from.Windows Live Messenger Emoticons is a great pack for anyone wanting to brighten up their messenger experience with festive fun.Windows Live Messenger Emoticons is a great pack for anyone wanting to brighten up their messenger experience with festive fun.


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Last Revision
November 01, 2023
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