WebKnife for Windows
The description of WebKnife - Play With New Friends
Fast and simple, WebKnife will help you to save time. the Web is a constantly changing world, each day some pages appears, but also disappears. With Webknife, you record and manage Web pages locally, quickly organize them, add personal information, highlight important data and more.WebKnife is addressed to all, occasional or intensive surfer. It will be appropriate particularly to the careful Net surfer, who wishes to: preserve a copy of the interesting Web pages, even if the Web site disappears, save the forms sent on line with all informations, check the validity and the true origin of a link before launching a navigation, keep the information of the saved web page private. WebKnife is not a site downloader, you keep only what really interests you.Features
Software Languages
Last Revision
November 05, 2023
Operating System