VaySoft Video to EXE Converter for Windows
The description of VaySoft Video to EXE Converter - Play With New Friends
VaySoft Video to EXE Converter is an application that will help you convert Video file to self-running EXE file. The EXE file can be copied to any computer and will run on Windows 2000,XP ,2003,Vista and Windows 7 without any additional program files installed. VaySoft Video to EXE Converter can help you generate Personalized output exe file. For example you can set private icon images for output exe file and configure your picture images before or after playing the video. The image support not only JPG, BMP,EMF but also PNG and GIF file, so you can make your own irregular or animated welcome interface. VaySoft Video to EXE Converter encrypt the original Video file, the output EXE files get the video information through memory stream, so your users cannot get it in his/her computer hard disk, This feature will strongly protect your video, it can prevent users from getting the original video file. VaySoft Video to EXE Converter has registration feature, only permitted person can view the video.When the output EXE runs for the first time, a dialogbox will popup to ask for the registration key. If key is correct, EXE will continue to open the video. Otherwise, EXE cannot open the video.You can set video play time limit,you can decide your users can run the exe only for specific number of times, for a particular period of time, or within particular date.you can add a string watermark or an image watermark.Please visit www.vaysoft.com for details!Features
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Last Revision
November 05, 2023
Operating System