Typeconvert with source for Windows
The description of Typeconvert with source - Play With New Friends
TypeConvert is the ArcGIS 9 extention allows you to convert one type feature class to another type feature class.Current product include all source code.Functionality:Polygon Polyline Points Convert one type feature class to another type feature class.To ConvexHull and To envelope Convert feature class into convex hull or envelope. In this case new polygon feature class containing only one feature (convex hull or envelope) will be created.To centroid Command allows you to create a new point feature class with all attributes from the center points (centroids) of the features in the current layer. A centroid of a feature is the spatial location of its envelope center. Additional fields 'Z','Zmin' and 'Zmax' are created if feature class with MZ geometries is converted.To segments Command allow you to convert polyline or polygon feature class to polyline feature class, consisting of lines segments of an initial feature class.From graphics Command allows you to convert graphics elements of the active map into features. New created features are stored in corresponding feature classes, according to their geometry types. Names of new classes consists of a name, set by the user and a suffix, indicating geometry type (e.g. "classname_polyline"). Text associated with the graphics is stored into 'Text' field of the target feature class.Remove duplicates Command allows you to remove duplicate features from the current layer. All 'cleaned' features are stored in output feature class. All 'removed' features are stored in additional output feature class with "_duplicate" suffix. Two features are compared by coordinates only without taking into account any difference in attributes.Convert to *.bln command allows you to export feature class with 2-dimentional geometry (polyline, polygon) to GoldenSoftware blanking file (*.bln) for using this file in GS Surfer.Stratification Command allows you to stratify current layer, classified by categories or quantities, to set of layers according the current legend. The layer must has symbology, based on single field. Names, aliases of the new feature classes are based on a attribute name, value of a class and a label of a class. All created feature classes keep attributes of source feature class. Styles of classes and categories are kept in new layers.Features
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Last Revision
November 05, 2023
Operating System