TMS Grid Pack for Windows
The description of TMS Grid Pack - Play With New Friends
Delphi & C++Builder grids with following features - insert / delete rows & colums - save / load to file - save / load to stream - save / load to CSV file - save / load to XLS file - copy / paste to clipboard - save to HTML - save to formatted text - cell alignment, cell color, cell font color, read-only cells - automatic printing with optional title, pagenummer, date, time, border, cell fonts, colors, custom drawing, fit to page - automatic column sizing - column sorting + full sort when clicking on column header + arrow indication (like Internet mail) - automatic goto cell based on sorted column when key pressed - event handler for setting hint of each cell - automatic selection of next cell after edit - insert / delete key to insert or delete rows - automatic resizing with parent form - automatic text display appended with '...' when text does not fit in column - automatic saving of user resized columns in registry or INI file - proportional scrollbars, flat scrollbars - hide / unhide columns and rows - search capabilities with options for case sensitive, full/partial, regular expressions - bitmaps, icons, imagelist elements - fixed rows at bottom or right side of grid - intellimouse support for scroll, zoom & pan - enhanced inplace editor with left & right aligned input - shows URLs and starts apps on mouseclick - inplace editors : combobox, spinedit, ellipsedit, datepicker, checkbox, buttons, autolookup edits, numeric edit, float edit, capital edit, mixedcase edit - enhanced mouse actions to select columns and rows - enhanced column and row dragging - free rotated text - disjunct row selection in rowselect mode - OLE drag & drop source + target, grouping. Includes Find, PrintSettings, PrintPreview and HTMLSettings dialog source. TAdvSpreadGrid adds formula awareness to the grid. TDBAdvStringGrid provides an interface to load data from any Delphi or C++Builder compatible database. TAdvColumnGrid adds column oriented property management.Features
Software Languages
Last Revision
November 05, 2023
Operating System