TinyLine SDK Green License for Windows
The description of TinyLine SDK Green License - Play With New Friends
The TinyLine SDK Green License includes the latest versions of the TinyLine 2D and TinyLine SVG Evaluations. TinyLine 2D implements a mobile 2D graphics engine for Java platform (J2ME CLDC/MIDP2.0, CDC/PP, J2SE). TinyLine SVG implements an SVG Tiny 1.1+ engine for Android and Java platform (J2ME CLDC/MIDP2.0, CDC/PP, J2SE). The Evaluation versions differ from the Standard versions by a slight color palette shift (Green!) and a small watermark. You can use the Evaluation versions as long as you want for non-commercial use only!Features
Software Languages
Last Revision
November 05, 2023
Operating System