The description of Sumatra Double Booked Resources Report - Play With New Friends
PowerShell script to determine/report on double-booked resources in MS Exchange# WHAT DOES THIS DO?# This PowerShell script creates a general callable function to report on double bookings in# meetings rooms / resources in Microsoft Exchange 2016 or Office 365## WHO IS THIS FOR?# This script is meant for Microsoft Exchange administrators and support folks that manage Exchange. # It is NOT meant for end users (but see below on Sumatra's OTHER solution for that)## WHAT DO YOU DO WITH THIS SCRIPT OUTPUT?# This script produces a CSV file that lists up-coming conflicts in resources.# It shows the meeting room, organizers, meeting start and end time, and the # number of conflicts. Please note: There is no subject! Most rooms are # configured only to show the organizer name as the subject.## We recommend sending an Excel spreadsheet with this information to all people# on the list with instructions. For example:# ...'We've noticed one of your upcoming meetings conflicts with one or more meetings # booked in the xxx conference room on the same date and time. We've # attached the list of conflicts and the name(s) of the other meeting# organizers. We hope you will work out the conflicts, in advance, to # avoid any unnecessary altercations in the room. Management frowns # upon violence in the workplace.' ...### HOW TO USE THIS FILE# 1. Make a copy and work on the copy# 2. You will need a SERVICE ACCOUNT with IMPERSONATE Rights to any conference rooms or resources# you wish to check for double bookings.# For instructions on setting up a service account see: # 3. If it looks like code -- it IS code -- DO NOT MODIFY IT!# 4. GO to the 'CUSTOMIZE HERE FOR YOUR ENVIRONMENT' Section at the very bottom to set up your credentials# and any relevant parameters# 5. Follow additional instructions at bottom