Students MCQ Manager for Windows
The description of Students MCQ Manager - Play With New Friends
The best way to prepare for multiple choice question exams is to practice MCQs. Students MCQ Manager is the best software tool for writing, collecting and practicing MCQs. Students MCQ Manager is a windows based multiple choice question database manager, editor and study tool. It includes a wide range of options but has an intuitive interface that is easy to use, allowing quick and efficient study.Users can access questions in several easy to use study formats. A full range of options is available to choose questions by question type (simple completion, multiple completion and true/false), difficulty and topic areas. They can be practiced in un-timed study or timed quizzes. Printed MCQ tests can also be produced.Students MCQ Manager remembers which questions you get right and which ones you get wrong, assigning a greater difficulty to those questions incorrectly answered. In this way the difficulty rating for each question is constantly adjusted, allowing users to select and focus on problem areas.Images can be linked to the questions or notes of MCQs to add a visual component to the learning process. To avoid pattern recognition questions are presented in random sequence, and the order of question responses are also randomized.Our multiple choice questions management software incorporates simple completion, multiple completion type and true/false multiple choice type questions. In addition questions can be entered into the database as grid questions. Grid questions include 5 correct and 5 incorrect responses. From each grid question Students MCQ Manager can randomly generate 146 different multiple choice questions.The editing features allow users to add their own questions, edit existing questions, merge with databases made on other computers, add notes, references and perform spell checks. Study groups have a great opportunity to develop and pool questions. A demonstration database is included.The best way to prepare for multiple choice question exams is to practice MCQs. Students MCQ Manager is the best software tool for writing, collecting and practicing MCQs. Students MCQ Manager is a windows based multiple choice question database manager, editor and study tool. It includes a wide range of options but has an intuitive interface that is easy to use, allowing quick and efficient study.Users can access questions in several easy to use study formats. A full range of options is available to choose questions by question type (simple completion, multiple completion and true/false), difficulty and topic areas. They can be practiced in un-timed study or timed quizzes. Printed MCQ tests can also be produced.Students MCQ Manager remembers which questions you get right and which ones you get wrong, assigning a greater difficulty to those questions incorrectly answered. In this way the difficulty rating for each question is constantly adjusted, allowing users to select and focus on problem areas.Images can be linked to the questions or notes of MCQs to add a visual component to the learning process. To avoid pattern recognition questions are presented in random sequence, and the order of question responses are also randomized.Our multiple choice questions management software incorporates simple completion, multiple completion type and true/false multiple choice type questions. In addition questions can be entered into the database as grid questions. Grid questions include 5 correct and 5 incorrect responses. From each grid question Students MCQ Manager can randomly generate 146 different multiple choice questions.The editing features allow users to add their own questions, edit existing questions, merge with databases made on other computers, add notes, references and perform spell checks. Study groups have a great opportunity to develop and pool questions. A demonstration database is included.Features
Software Languages
Last Revision
November 01, 2023
Operating System