Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds for Windows
The description of Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds - Play With New Friends
It Is Age Of Empires With Star Wars CharactersStar Wars Galactic Battlegrounds is a real-time strategy game where you take up the cause of the trade federation the rebel alliance the galactic empire or the Gungans. You have to fight your way through a series of campaign levels to advance your cause and emerge the winner.Create A Base Build An Army And Smash Your EnemiesYou must build your base and create units in Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds. There are also unique units that are based on the main characters of the Star Wars movies. The unique characters have special skills and if they die you either lose the level or they cannot be revived and you lose them forever. The game's graphics are rather below par by today's standards and the maps feel very cramped. However there are widescreen patches available on the Internet which help solve the cramped feeling. The game is very similar to Age Of Empires II except that it is all based on Star Wars.Conclusion - You Will Probably Like It For One Of Two ReasonsThe graphics on Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds are not great but if you give yourself an hour playing the game then you start to adjust to how it looks and find yourself more engrossed in the game than you ever thought possible. It has the same problems that most RTS games had in 2001 but if you liked the AOE 1 and 2 games then you will like this game because it was built on the same engine (genie). Maybe you will like it because you liked the Age of Empires games or maybe you will like it for nostalgia (member berries) reasons. As early 2000 RTS games go it is top of the list.Features
Software Languages
Last Revision
October 31, 2023
Operating System