Speech Trainer

Speech Trainer for Windows

4.5 (0person)
Wolf In Motion Ltd

The description of Speech Trainer - Play With New Friends

Practice your speech in a virtual auditorium Speech Trainer is a VR game where you are faced with a crowd of people in a virtual auditorium where you may practice giving your speech in front of a virtual crowd. Practice your speech and include your PDF presentation Speech Trainer puts you in a room with a crowd of people and a projector. You are able to load your PDF presentation into the game and have it project on the screen behind you. This allows you to run through your presentation in the same way that you would if you had a projector behind you. This may be handy if you need to point to things or reference objects within the PDF files. It may also help you figure out where the weaker sections of your presentation are. Not realistic enough to be scary If you are using Speech Trainer as a novel way to practice your speech, then there are worse things you could do. If you are using the program to try to cure your shyness or stage fright, then its effects are minimal. The people look so fake and computer-generated that it is hard to be scared by them. However, some people have vivid imaginations and are able to put themselves into a VR game more deeply than others. It will never compare to real-life practice, but it is better than practicing in a room on your own with not even a VR set. However, you should still run through your speech in front of a mirror once or twice just to practice your on-stage persona.


Software Languages
Last Revision
November 01, 2023
Operating System
other platforms

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