Software, for pocket pc , console computer... for Windows
The description of Software, for pocket pc , console computer... - Play With New Friends
Productnumber: 216040 Language: German. Software, for pocket pc hp (Compaq), console computer set (pc) and handy, for calculations in the traffic accident.Software for pocket pc hp (Compaq), or (and) for other pocket pcs with the same language, or compatible with this. 1 - Computer-calculation-programmes for: P0 - differently calculations about acceleration and delay. P1 to P6 - calculations about avoidable of an accident, point of reaction, braking distance, braking time, acceleration, speed on the beginning of the slow down, and more. P7 - accident of a pedestrian: calculation of the impulse, length of the unwind, distance of the throw (dry and wet) - in reliance on the brake retardation. P8 - depreciation of a car. P9+11 - braking in a curve (considering the connection of crosswise-acceleration by the beginning by drive in a curve and slant, by braking, by considering the radius of the centre of gravity). P10 - collision of vehicles: impulse, deformation-work by using the maximum of the remaining deformation-depth and (or) the maximum of the dynamic deformation-depth in connection with the system-combination - by using a rigidity-number - coefficient of rigidity - and a force-number; rotation; result of energy; analysis of the a/t-testcurve from the AZT-repair-crashtest of the Allianz-centre Munich-Ismaning (Germany) - this by getting the dynamic rigidity-number - coefficient of rigidity - Cdyn - for the front and the dynamic rigidity-number - coefficient of rigidity - Cxdyn - for the rear and the side; k-factor-calculation, gotten from the analysis of the a/t-testcurve from the AZT-repair-crashtest of the Allianz-centre Munich-Ismaning (Germany) - this is by using the dynamic rigidity-number - coefficient of rigidity - Cdyn - analysted by me. Conversion of d, ddyn, C and Cdyn by varyiering himself of the k-factor.Calculation of the load of the passenger of the car by an accident of the car. P12 - current value of a car. P13 - rotation of a car: length of time of the rotation, müscrosswise, alpha. P14 - simulate of a movement of a car, after an accident, by rotation - values listening. P15 - throw not straight-free fall (with and without the air resistance): distance of the throw, speed, time. P16 - breaking of glass. P17 - calculations of function of angles, differently conversions of the a/t-testcurve from the AZT-repair-crashtest of the Allianz-centre Munich-Ismaning (Germany), and more. P18 - Rotation of a car in the collision (during this phase) - values listening. 1 - Computer-calculation-programmes for:Great extension of the following Computerprograms for calculation with: P0 - differently calculations about acceleration and delay: automatically drawing of graphs (curves) about: speed, distance, time. P1 to P6 - calculations about avoidable of an accident:tabulating for the more-phase-movements for two cars and automatically drawing of graphs (curves) about: speed, distance, time - for both of the cars in one graph.P7 - accident of a pedestrian:tabulating and automatically drawing of graphs (curves) about:distance of the throw (dry and wet) - in reliance of the brake retardation - from 0 km/h until 100 km/h, speed of the movement of the pedestrian in the stage as an analysis in stages (speed, distance, time, acceleration - standing and flying).P9+11 - braking in a curve:maximum of the speed in a curve (also by banking of the curve), delay of braking-acceleration on an inclined plane. Tabulating of the datas. P10 - collision of vehicles:for: k-factor-calculation, gotten from the analysis of the a/t-testcurve from the AZT-repair-crashtest of the Allianz-centre Munich-Ismaning (Germany) - this is by using the dynamic rigidity-number - coefficient of rigidity - C?dyn - analysted by me. Conversion of d, ddyn, C` and C?dyn by varyiering himself of the k-factor: automatically drawing of graphs (curves) about: C` and C?dyn, delta tcompression (in step by step) - by showing of: d, ddyn, k-factor and delta vcompression from the work of the deformation. Interpolating of C`- and C`k0- values: tabulating and automatically drawing of graphs (curves) about:C`- and C`k0 by giving the datas of delta vcompression. Practically the automatically calculation of the load of the passenger in the car by an accident of the car - the middle of the acceleration or the delay in the phase of the compression - by not braking or braking (for calculation of the load of passenger).P14 - simulate of a movement of a car, after an accident, by rotation:automatically drawing of graphs (curves) about all datas of the table. P15 - oblique-angled throw, also straight-free fall (with and without the air resistance): automatically drawing of graphs (curves) about all datas of the table: parabola of the throw, distance of the throw, speed, time. P18 - Rotation of a car in the collision (during this phase):automatically drawing of graphs (curves) about: time, impact of the propulsion, the speed of the angle (omega), the acceleration of the angle (alpha), the angle of the rotation (phi), all for the both cars, and for the phase of the compression and the phase of the combination of the phase of the compression with the phase of the restitution. 2 - calendar folding from the year 2002 to 2010. 3 - computer-documents for Pocket PC word: detailed description, some patternforms, and more. Reports to assign: this Software makes possible calculations for some of these and for other: Productnumber: 215638 Report: Calculation of the deformation-work of vehicles. Calculation of the collision-speed of a car in a real accident. Productnumber: 215943 Report: Calculation of the load of the passenger of the car by an accident of the car. Productnumber: 215922 Report-examples: Examples for calculation of the deformation-work of vehicles and calculation of the load of the passenger of the car. Example 1 + 2 + 3.Productnumber: 215940 Report: List about stiffness-number and force-number of a vehicle for the calculation of the deformation-work of vehicles.Productnumber: 215944 Report: Rotation of a car in the collision (during this phase). Calculation of the phase from beginning of the collision till end of the contact (speed of the angle - acceleration of the angle). Productnumber: 215956 Report: Side-strength-number between tire and road, middle of the delay of the angle. Productnumber: 215949 Report: Vehicle-full-braking-delay-numbers from 1985 to today. Engineer- and expert-office of vehicle-damages, analysis of traffic-accidents and research of traffic-accidents. Ing. Wolfgang Huber. All the reports are there in German in version windows98. Performance of the delivery: as CD-ROM, together with a voluminous ring binder with descriptions. In the reason of legal (lawful) is a acceptance of place an order and a delivery only of, either to, Europe (Europe in the sense of geografisch) possible. The law from Austria is using (application). The place of fulfillment and the domicile is A-3100 St.Poelten, Oesterreich-Austria; any disputes arising hereunder will be settled before a competent A-3100 St.Poelten court of law. Something more see in my own homepage under the address -
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Last Revision
November 05, 2023
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