SCRIPRO for Windows
The description of SCRIPRO - Play With New Friends
For examples of SCRIPRO dialogs and a free key generator go to: is a stand alone program that includes dozens of " pre-canned " scripts and the capability ofcreating your own custom scripts. SCRIPRO includes a users guide inWindows help format, long and short filename supportand a test of the validity of the paths to your files that youprovide. Scripro includes a new "Copy-Paste"function. This function will copy all drawing entities to theclipboard, paste them to a new file, then zoom all and saveasRel 14, Rel 13, Rel 12 or DXF placing the new file with the samename as the original in a folder of your choice. The program includesa convert function that provides these drawing conversions: Rel14, Rel 13, Rel 12, DWF, DXF, SLD, WMF and BMP. Converting fromDXF and WMF to DWG is also provided. Scripro creates scripts foruse with AutoCAD Release 14, Release 2000 and Lt 97, 98, 2000. Scriprov8.1 supports AutoCAD 2000 e-plot function. You can send plots toprinter/plotter, file or DWF using DWF ePlot.pc3, DWF Classic.pc3or any file you wish to use. Five fields are provided for the userto enter the name of output device, etc. This is a custom featurewhich allows the entry of any desired string to be used in the script.Sample entries for sending dwg to plotter and file are included onthe ePlot dialog. Instructions are also included for sending the dwgto a dwf file.Features
Software Languages
Last Revision
November 05, 2023
Operating System