RIA OLAP Chart Direct - Developer License...

RIA OLAP Chart Direct - Developer License... for Windows

0 (0person)
Radar-soft, L.l.c.

The description of RIA OLAP Chart Direct - Developer License... - Play With New Friends

Key features: Cube definitionSupport of the Microsoft Analysis Server 2000 or 2005 (2005 recommended). Supports connections to local Cube files. Two working modes: cube browsing and displaying the results of any MDX-queries. Support of hierarchies of three types: Attribute hierarchies; Parent-child hierarchies; Multilevel hierarchies; An ability to create additional calculated measures on the client or server side, using both the information from the fact table and values of the aggregated cube cells. Support of additional calculated members of hierarchies on the client or server side. Key features: Data visualizationUnicode support An ability to display many measures in the Grid simultaneously. Interactive drill-down support of all types of hierarchies separately for every grid cell. Support of saving and restoring the current OLAP slice. Support of member grouping on any hierarchy level without changing the hierarchy levels structure. Support of sorting on any level of hierarchy or dimension separately. Ability to override any sorting method. Support of ascending or descending sorting based on any column value in the OLAP grid. Support of filtering any set of hierarchy members with or without applying these filters in the OLAP calculations. Support of the auto filtering of the hierarchy members depending on their values in the grid. An ability for selection some major/minor members, either according to their rank or on the Pareto principle. An ability to display in the grid not only the values of the measures but a percent value regarding totals, subtotals, or grand totals. An ability to create your own context-sensitive rules on measure display (for example, a cumulative sum of measure values for time dimensions, and just its value for all other cases). The auto image drawing in any grid cell, the auto picture positioning in a cell, depending on the parameters defined by a programmer. A complete data output control, a feature for the custom drawing in the grid cells. Support of the custom popup menus in the grid. Support of the drag-n-drop of measures or hierarchy members within the grid. Auto wrapping of the cell contents depending on its width. Auto sizing of the column width with auto wrapping for the very "long" cells of the grid. An ability to edit OLAP data directly in the grid ("writeback" support). Handy integration with charting and other third-party components. Allows exporting the grid data to the MS Excel format. Easy localization. It is possible to localize the evaluation version as well.


Software Languages
Last Revision
November 05, 2023
Operating System

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