ResIt.Net for Windows
The description of ResIt.Net - Play With New Friends
Why to use ResIt.Net?You may create, load and change both .NET .resx and .NET .resources files.When you choose to open a resource file (.resx or .resources) the program will automatically open all resource files bearing the same root name and file extension in a given directory. This is how the program makes sure that all corresponding cultures are kept together.For a single resource the values of each culture are listed in a grid making it easy to compare translations.The main drawback of separated resource files is that you always must pay attention not to assign different resource identifiers to the same resource in different cultures. ResIt.Net manages the resource identifiers for you, so it's virtually impossible to make a mistake in this way.ResIt.Net parses resource files and recovers empty or missing resources in a culture as long as at least one culture contains type information for these resources. In addition to that, the program warns if you save files with empty resources.Features
Software Languages
Last Revision
November 05, 2023
Operating System