ReplaceWiz 2000 for Windows
The description of ReplaceWiz 2000 - Play With New Friends
Common Uses for ReplaceWiz:Renaming objects or Properties Changing an object name (control, field, variable, etc.) or a property value (caption, validation rule, etc.) in Microsoft Access is quite difficult and time-consuming especially if the object(s) in question have been used in many forms, reports, modules¿etc., ReplaceWiz will search all database objects and report the occurrence of the search string. The user will be able to choose which replacements to commit.Database CustomizationObject naming standards can vary between customers, ReplaceWiz will make the process of customizing database naming fast, easy and accurate.Cross-reference an ObjectLook up all uses of a field in forms, Reports, queries¿etc. Assist the Impact and Duration of a ChangeReplaceWiz will provide you with reports that will help you to estimate the complexity and duration of a proposed change.Database Clean upBefore deleting any object, it's a good idea to perform a global search to report any uses or references for an object.Database StandardizationCreating a standard for object names, caption... etc in your database is never an easy or accurate task using the manual method of inspecting every object collection and object properties, ReplaceWiz will enable you to automate the task of manual looking and replacing a search string.Database Familiarization Maintaining a database solution developed by a third party, could prove deficit with inadequate documentation, ReplaceWiz will enable you to familiarize you with the new inherited database.Features
Software Languages
Last Revision
November 05, 2023
Operating System