Registry Shower for Windows
The description of Registry Shower - Play With New Friends
Clean and optimize your system, with this all-in-one programRegistry Shower is a registry cleaner for Windows. It scans your system in 12 categories, and an perform deep scans that may root out problem files other programs miss. Also features privacy cleaning tools, an uninstaller, a system optimizer and more.After scanning your system, Registry Shower categorizes errors in terms of severity, and lists them so you can choose which files to remove. All removed files are backed up, so in the unusual case that you delete a necessary file, you can restore it. You can also schedule regular automatic scans to clean your system.Registry Shower also features a system optimization tool, that aims to speed up you system in different ways, like automatically ending programs that have crashed. surprisingly, there are options like "Speed up Windows Shutdown", that are totally without explanation, so you won't have any idea how it speeds them up! All the additional tools are quite useful though, and the Privacy Shower, that cleans things like Recent Document lists from various programs is more efficient than cleaning manually.As even a quick scan can take some minutes, Registry Shower features three games - Frogger, Tetris and Duck Hunt - to keep you amused while you wait. That's a nice touch to a registry scanner that really seems to do the job well.Registry Shower provides deep and powerful cleaning for your PC, and helps to keep it running smoothly.Registry Shower provides deep and powerful cleaning for your PC, and helps to keep it running smoothly.Features
Software Languages
Last Revision
November 01, 2023
Operating System