Reflector Client for Windows
The description of Reflector Client - Play With New Friends
Reflector is is easy to use e-mail client aiding program with thefollowing features:- e-mail redirection from one mailbox to several others- automatic reply generation- user online status control- periodical e-mail checking functionsEmail redirect function can be used to define groups of users that arereading messages from the same mailbox. There are several types ofconfigurations that can be defined inside Reflector. This includes'one mailbox to many receivers', 'one mailbox to random receiver' and'one mailbox to another'.Auto-responder is a part of the program which is running on the serverand because of this user does not have to keep his / her computerrunning whe he/she is on holidays.For more information please go to Reflector home page.Features
Software Languages
Last Revision
November 05, 2023
Operating System