The description of RecipeMaster - Play With New Friends
Excellent software for managing your recipe databaseRecipeMaster is a comprehensive, easy-to-use recipe manager that manages to outdo most of the competition - while also being free.RecipeMasterrecipe managerRecipe software doesn't always have the best reputation - it can be expensive, hard to use and totally user unfriendly. No so with RecipeMaster, a great program for all your recipe organization. It comes with lots of content pre-loaded - including a few Jamie Oliver recipes!lots of content pre-loadedAdding your own recipes to RecipeMaster is easy - there's a form to fill out, or you can import recipes in MealMaster, Compu-Chef and MasterCook format. RecipeMaster only exports in XML, which is a slight pity. Making recipe management even easier is the great search function and excellent measurement conversion tool.great search functionconversion toolRecipeMaster also has a wine management tool, so you can record your favorite bottles and pair them up with your food. Unfortunately, the Help section isn't complete and the app was very slightly buggy, but all in all, RecipeMaster should be your first stop if you're looking for a free recipe managementRecipeMaster is an excellent piece of recipe management software.RecipeMaster is an excellent piece of recipe management software.