Progitek Renommer for Windows
The description of Progitek Renommer - Play With New Friends
OBJECT :Rename, of a simple click and in full safety, whole or partof a group of files or documents selected in a group of repertories orfiles accessible from the station work (local disc, resource or discnetwork, removable or magnetic support...). Areavailable the impression of information of all the posted files, theoutline of the contents of the current file and the treatment of thisfile starting from the program which allowed its creation.PRINCIPE :The software makes it possible to reach an unspecified number ofrepertories to retain all the files available some are theirattributes. The user selects whole or part of these files for theirapplying in cascade up to 8 procedures allowing to re-elect them: atthis stage it acts of a simulation which can be cancelled.WORKING METHOD :The user piles up in a grid the files resulting fromthe repertories selected by recovering or not all the files of thetree structure. For each file are posted name, extension, repertory,size, date and attributes. The grid can be sorted in the order [dé/]croissant of one of this preceding information. The grid can betransferred and printed in the notepad. Unspecified of these files canbe the subject of an outline to the screen or treatment using theprogram which created it.The user can choose to re-elect all the files available in the grid orselects one by one files which will be the object of simulation. Theuser uses successively the 8 procedures to re-elect the selectionselected: gradually post yourself in the column "Simulation" theresult obtained. As long as the action "Simulation towards file discis not started", no treatment other than posting in the grid isstarted.Features
Software Languages
Last Revision
November 05, 2023
Operating System