PixelProstate for Windows
The description of PixelProstate - Play With New Friends
The cancer area of the prostate is outlined on the histological slide. Using pathologist's visual memory an identical tumour area is painted with the mouse on the virtual slide. Total prostate volume is calculated using the ellipsoidal method: 4/3 x pi x (length/2 x width/2 x height/2). The corresponding cancer area and volume are computed using the Red-Green-Blue-values (RGB) of the virtual slides: prostate is painted cyan with the RGB value of 0,255,255 and the cancer area purple with the RGB value of 128,0,128. The tumour volume is the sum of each cancer areamultiplied by the thickness of the average slice. The total tumour volume and percentage of cancer in the entire specimen are then calculated. A 3D picture is automatically generated. The picture can be rotated in two different magnifications. This is a useful feature for clinicians wishing to compare the morphological and ultrasound findings. A report can be producedcontaining a summary of the calculations and 3D pictures. All the digitized material can be saved using strong encryption for later usage e.g. at clinical meetings. No camera or other special equipment is needed. PP-program runs on a standard MS Windows workstation. Video recording.Features
Software Languages
Last Revision
November 05, 2023
Operating System