The description of PDF Merge Tool - Play With New Friends
PDF Merge Tool allows you to easily and quickly merge multiple files with different formats in a single PDF file. As a bonus, it also provides the ability to protect PDF file, remove password from already protected file. For example you can easily merge Microsoft Word format file (doc, docx) with images format file (png, jpg, gif) and pdf file and get one single pdf file. Friendly, clear and convenient design makes working with the application easy and understandable.
Full list of formats available for merge:
- cad : dwg, dxf
- document : abw, djvu, doc, docm, docx, html, lwp, md, odt, pages,, pdf, rst, rtf, sdw, tex, txt, wpd, wps
- ebooks : azw, azw3, azw4, cbc, cbr, cbz, chm, epub, fb2, htm, htmlz, lit, lrf, mobi, pdb, pml, prc, rb, snb, tcr, txtz
- image : 3fr, arw, bmp, cr2, crw, dcr, dng, erf, gif, ico, jpeg, jpg, mos, mrw, nef, odd, orf, pef, png, ppm, psd, raf, raw, tif, tiff, webp, x3f, xcf, xps
- presentation : dps,key,, odp, pps, ppsx, ppt, pptm, pptx, sda
- spreadsheet : csv, et, numbers,, ods, sdc, xls, xlsm, xlsx
- vector : ai, cdr, cgm, emf, eps, ps, sk, sk1, svg, svgz, vsd, wmf