optiGA - Hard copy edition for Windows
The description of optiGA - Hard copy edition - Play With New Friends
optiGA for VB is an ActiveX control (OCX) for the implementation of Genetic Algorithms (GA). No matter what is the nature of your optimization problem might be, optiGA is a generic control that will perform the genetic run for you. With very little coding needed, you can be up and running in no time. Just define your variables (binary, real or integers), code the fitness function and you are set to go. On the other hand, you can override optiGA's default parameters and select from several of reproduction operators such as: selection methods, crossover methods, mutation methods and many controlling parameters. If that isn't enough, optiGA can grow with you: Did you come up with a new crossover method and wanted to try it? Have you read the latest article about an interesting mutation method that you want to implement? No problem! Just use the "User Defined" crossover and mutation events and code them yourself.optiGA was written in "Visual Basic" and can be used with VB and all ActiveX supporting environmentsFeatures
Software Languages
Last Revision
November 05, 2023
Operating System