Office Icons for Windows
The description of Office Icons - Play With New Friends
High quality professional royalty-free stock icons for your software, website, GUI design, presentations or other purpose. High quality royalty free office icons fee download at www.icons.helpsofts.net Our icons are the best way to improve the look of your products with minimum graphic design experience. All our icons are professional looking, sharp and colorful. In addition, we provide friendly, responsive and free support to everyone using our icons. High Quality Royalty-Free office icons for Windows, Mac and Linux, Offers .ico, .png, .gif, .bmp, .icns various icons format. Office Icons Size [pixels] [16 x 16] ,[24 x 24] ,[28 x 28] ,[32 x 32] ,[48 x 48] ,[64 x 64] ,[72 x 72], [128 x 128] ,[255 x 255], [256 x 256] ,[400x400] ,[512 x 512] All icons packages (More than 30,000 icons) for one incredible low price. Office Icons (windows desktop icons | free icons | vista style icons | desktop icons | windows icons | xp desktop icons | vista icons ) : High quality royalty free icons fee download at www.icons.helpsofts.netFeatures
Software Languages
Last Revision
November 05, 2023
Operating System