OBJ Export for AutoCAD for Windows
The description of OBJ Export for AutoCAD - Play With New Friends
OBJ Export for AutoCAD is a Wavefront (.obj) file export plug-in for AutoCAD. This plug-in gives AutoCAD the ability to export geometric data from AutoCAD to ASCII and Binary OBJ files.OBJ Export for AutoCAD extracts facet data from 3D Face, Polygon Mesh, PolyFace Mesh and 3D Solid objects in the active AutoCAD drawing and exports it to a OBJ file. 3D Solids are tessellated into triangular faces. The level of tessellation can be controlled by adjusting the resolution slider in the OBJ Export for SolidWorks options dialog box. A lower resolution will yield coarse meshes (lesser faces), whereas a higher resolution will result in finer meshes (more faces).OBJ Export for AutoCAD is very easy to use. Once installed, it must be loaded into the AutoCAD environment. There are simple instructions for this in the ReadMe file. Once loaded it adds new commands to AutoCAD's existing commands and a new submenu called "OBJExport" to the AutoCAD menu containing these newly added commands.The 'OBJExport' menu consists of the following commands:# OBJExport - Exports an OBJ file# OBJExportHelp - Displays the OBJ Export for AutoCAD help file# OBJExportRegister - Registers your copy of OBJ Export for AutoCAD# OBJExportAbout - Displays the OBJ Export for AutoCAD About boxOBJ Export for AutoCAD comes with detailed documentation for each command as well as a tutorial to get you started in the shortest possible time.Features
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Last Revision
November 05, 2023
Operating System