The description of MusicFrost - Play With New Friends
MusicFrost is an application with which you can easily search for music. All you will need to know are some of the lyrics of the song. Of course, if you introduce the artist´s or song's name, you will be able to find them directly.Once you find the song you are interested in, you will have several options. One,to hear the song. Two, download it to your hard drive, and three copy the song´s link so that you can send it to someone like Spotify. MusicFrost's interface is very simple. There are virtually no customization options beyond the purely aesthetic ones of changing the "skin" and the directory where the songs will unload. The rest is basically the search bar and the buttons 'Play' and 'Stop'.MusicFrost is an excellent alternative to the programs most popular online music, because despite having some songs that need improvement, you can always find what you want.