Microsoft XML Notepad 2007 for Windows
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Microsoft Xml Notepad 2007
The description of Microsoft XML Notepad 2007 - Play With New Friends
Microsoft XML Notepad is a basic but nonetheless powerful tool for helping to create, browse and edit documents in Extensible Markup Language (XML). It's chiefly intended for small sets of data. It offers an intuitive interface that represents the tree structure of an XML document graphically. The tree view is synchronised with Node Text view, letting you edit the names and values of nodes quickly. The search feature lets you navigate to nodes very rapidly -- as you type in the name node, the program navigates to nodes matching the text string you're typing until you find the right one. The infinite undo/redo feature is also very handy, letting you work backwards and forwards through any changes. There's also the Intellisense tool, which predicts the elements and attributes that you're likely to be looking for based on the text you're typing, offering options in a pop-up box. The drag and drop function makes it easy to pick up and move sections of code to where you need them. You can tweak the appearance of the program, changing font colours and background to make the code easier on your eyes. The program's strength -- its simplicity -- is also its weakness. While it's great for dealing with small sections of code, it's not as full-featured as a serious web design package like Dreamweaver.Pros: Simple and easy with time-saving features.Cons: Only really ideal for handling small sets of data.Conclusion: A simple and useful XML editor.