MarketWarrior Real-Time For eSignal

MarketWarrior Real-Time For eSignal for Windows

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Mikula Forecasting Company

The description of MarketWarrior Real-Time For eSignal - Play With New Friends

MarketWarrior is a financial analysis program for traders, with a main focus on forecasting. The real-time version can work with a real-time subscription to eSignal Premier or eSignal Premier Plus. The program also work with end-of-day data sources such as simple ascii text files, Metastock format data and a subscription to TC2007. MarketWarrior has over 140 indicators including a comprehensive set of 15 indicators based on W.D.Gann's Square of Nine. There are a variety of other indicators based on the work of W.D.Gann such as swing lines, trend lines, price time angles, Square of Range, fixed squares and more. MarketWarrior includes special forecasting indicators such as the Master Time Factor, Million Dollar Pivot Finder, Mirror Cycle, Dewey Cycle indicator and a Gartley Pattern tool. There are also draw tools for the Super-Pitchfork and Action-Reaction lines. MarketWarrior includes a set of astrology indicators for drawing planet lines, aspects, planet speed, eclipses, moon cycle, declination and a customizable version of the Bradley Siderograph, and a horoscope index that can compare the planet positions of two horoscopes and draw the resulting index on a price bar chart.MarketWarrior can draw traditional price bar charts and several special charts. The special charts include the W.D.Gann Square of Nine, Square of Four, Hexagon Chart, Circle Chart, a double horoscope and an ephemeris chart MarketWarrior comes with two utility programs. The Data Downloader which can download free end-of-day stock quotes from the internet. The Data Downloader can maintain stock data files for most stock symbols. The second program is the Astrology Calculator which calculates a daily astrology almanac. MarketWarrior also includes an auto-update feature which can download the latest program version. When MarketWarrior is purchased it includes free program updates for one full version cycle. Support is offered free by email.


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Last Revision
November 05, 2023
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