Magic: The Gathering - Tactics for Windows
3.5 (188

Sony Online Entertainment
The description of Magic: The Gathering - Tactics - Play With New Friends
Free-to-play turn based strategy gameMagic: The Gathering - Tactics is a free to play turn based strategy game. Based on the trading card game, this is a fantasy title where you have to think first before you move.Magic: The Gathering - Tacticsstrategy gameYou play a 'Planeswalker', a powerful mage armed with spellbooks, and have to fight against other Planeswalkers. Magic: The Gathering - Tactics takes place on a 'digital tabletop', as if you were playing a miniature Games Workshop game. You'll build up your collection of figures and spells and can do single player campaigns as well as taking on other players.While it looks at first like an MMO, Magic: The Gathering - Tactics is nothing of the sort. Character customization is much more basic and the turn based gameplay makes it much slower. Once you've got the hang of it, fights are fun, and require a lot of strategic thinking. Competing against other human players doesn't really work unless you're willing to pay for packs of cards than increase your abilities. Players with the basic free kit will stand no chance against those who pay!Magic: The Gathering - Tactics looks good, with well animated figures, and a style that closely matches the card game. I found the game environments a bit bland. While it seems complicated, you'll soon pick up how to play, but it's a shame that power almost always trumps tactical ability - you can essentially pay to win, which is a shame.Magic: The Gathering - Tactics looks good, with well animated figures, and a style that closely matches the card game. I found the game environments a bit bland. While it seems complicated, you'll soon pick up how to play, but it's a shame that power almost always trumps tactical ability - you can essentially pay to win, which is a shame.