Lan-Link for Windows for Windows
The description of Lan-Link for Windows - Play With New Friends
· Audio/Voice files for semi-automatic SSB/FM QSOs.. eQSL functions. Smart PacketCluster features, i.e. automatic QSY to the frequency of a DX Alert (if in PacketCluster mode).· Automatic search of HF logbook in response to a PacketCluster DX Alert Message. Customizable levels of notification. Audio Notification of Prefix status.· Start Up Communications mode is customizable.· Start Up Packet terminal mode is customizable.· Allows you to search through two logbooks for previous contacts.· Different Bragtapes/files for each communications mode.· Automatic logbook entries for Pactor, Packet and Mailbox Beacon Mode AMTOR Connects, semiautomatic logbook entries for other modes.· Provides artificial intelligence in the shape of a second operator (ELMER).· Logbook file is dBASE compatible and can be processed by the LOGBOOK Package of PC-HAM by G3ZCZ for indexed listings, tracking of DXCC and other AWARDS, etc.· Contest operation, sends standard message and automatically increments QSO count.· Automatic optimized configuration of the TNC for each communications mode.· ASCII Text Editor.· Customizable Colors.· Access to the TNC Command Mode is provided in case the user wishes to override any defaults.· CQ file.· QSL label printing capability.In PACKET RADIO· Local area network (LAN) message store and forward capability.· Automatic capture to disk of all packet radio connects.· Automatic indication of the number of Packet connects.· Capable of automatic connect attempts to download a QTC from another station in the LAN.· Capable of automatic connect attempts to a packet BBS (PBBS) to download your incoming messages, when your callsign appears on the PPBBS mail beacon annunciator.· Capable of automatically requesting Bulletins on subjects that interest you from your local PBBS.· Digipeat monitoring and capture.· Alert signal to let you know when a predetermined call shows up in a packet header on frequency.· Packet mode path determination to DX station via :QMH:.· Indicator that a specific station designated as the "buddy" call connected in Packet Mode, or linked to AMTOR Beacon or Mailbox while you were away.· Automatic NET/ROM and KA-Node path set up from directory file.· Selective answering machine and MAILBOX using Network Control Language (NC/L) command dialogue.· Screen indication of connect by desired station (target call).· Automatic Beacon Mode CQ caller.· Automatic contest (DX-pedition) mode.· Will call CQ repetitively and either work the connect and keep going after disconnect or signal you when a reply is received.· Customizable BBS Zap Commands.· Automatic search of HF logbook in response to a PacketCluster DX Alert Message. Customizable levels of notification. Audio Notification of Prefix status.· CTEXT File (LAN-LINK.OUT) which can be sent to all incoming connects.· SAREX Attack mode lets you digipeat/CQ via the SAREX station as well as try a connect. Use the CQ feature to digipeat via the Space Station, and the connect for the Space Shuttle.· Trigger to determine whom else is on channel.· Single keystroke smart PacketCluster connect.· PacketCluster DX Alert simulation in unconnected mode.Features
Software Languages
Last Revision
November 05, 2023
Operating System