The description of Kquery 4 Alpha - Play With New Friends
Kquery is a game server browsing tool that can give you a run-down of players, rules, maps, server settings and more.The developers claim the beta 'dual queue' system has managed a 33% performance increase and 200% reliability increase over kquery3.1 - which was already the fastest server query program around. The beta program can query and filter servers much faster than before and processes serverlists on a per-packet basis - meaning you don't have to wait for the master server to finish sending you the list before you start seeing servers.Kquery is a game server browsing tool that can give you a run-down of players, rules, maps, server settings and more.The developers claim the beta 'dual queue' system has managed a 33% performance increase and 200% reliability increase over kquery3.1 - which was already the fastest server query program around. The beta program can query and filter servers much faster than before and processes serverlists on a per-packet basis - meaning you don't have to wait for the master server to finish sending you the list before you start seeing servers.