InDihyph CS Hyphenation Windows for Windows
The description of InDihyph CS Hyphenation Windows - Play With New Friends
40 Languages InDihyph is available in about 40 languages at the moment. It covers all prevalent central-european languages like English, German, French and Spanish, as well as some slavic languages like Polish or Slovak and even some exoticones like Afrikaans or Bahasa Indonesia/Malaii.30 years of experienceThe German engineer Frank Dieckmann has been developing and refining his methods to find correct hyphenation points in words for about 30 years now. Thanks to his close cooperation with publishing houses all over the world and constant improvement and development, his methods now have an outstanding quality and meet the highest quality requirements.How it works InDihyph works basically with a combination of algorithms and a number of exception tables. The algorithms base on the grammatical rules of the respective language. Where the agorithms are not sufficient any more– for example with combined or compound words, special terms, or new fashion words – the exception tables join in in order to accomplish correct hyphenation. Of course InDihyph is also aware of different word endings, pre- and suffices and hyphenates accordingly.Different hyphenation qualitiesAn absolute highlight of InDihyph are the different hyphenation qualities. InDihyph does not only report “hyphenation point” to the InCopy/InDesign composer, but also “very good hyphenation point”, “medium” or rather “bad hyphenation point”. Thisleads to the result that bad hyphenation are avoided as far as possible. A good example is “misin-formed” which will be reported with the worst hyphenation quality and therefore only used if needs be, for example within very narrow columns.Features
Software Languages
Last Revision
November 05, 2023
Operating System