Greatis Image Editor for Windows
The description of Greatis Image Editor - Play With New Friends
Image Editor is a suite of visual and non-visual components which allows to create any common and specialized image editors in Delphi and C++ Builder applications. Image Editor is a pure VCL/WinAPI solution, so no external DLLs are required.The main idea of Image Editor Suite is to split image displaying and zooming in visual part from drawing tools which are realized in separated non-visual components.Image Editor Suite contains 5 components:TImageEditor - visual component that displays, zooms and scrolls image. It receives all user input and translates it into drawers' methods calls.TColorToolbar - visual component that can be connected with TImageEditor to choose foreground and background color. Color palette presented as collection property that can be edited at desing time and at runtime, saved to file and loaded from file. There are methods which can add standard color sets, like VGA palette, gray scales, etc.TSimpleDrawer - non-visual drawer component. Has no own functionality and just fires event from each method. Use it for creating simple drawing functionality. It is used as ancestor for any drawer components also.TStandardDrawer - full-functional drawer component. Supports all you need in graphic editor - dropper, eraser, pencil, polyline, brush, spray, fill, empty and filled shapes, text and, of course, selection and clip operations. It can be used as good example of creating drawer components.TPluginDrawer - drawer component that allows to use drawing functionality realized in the external DLL. Plugin DLL can be connected at design time and at runtime with easy. DLL template included into Image Editor Suite.Image Editor Suite contains full-functional image editor application as a free demo.Features
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Last Revision
November 05, 2023
Operating System