Gradebook Power for Windows
The description of Gradebook Power - Play With New Friends
Gradebook for teachers - teacher developed. Gradebook Power creates over 40 teacher, student, and administrative reports, attendance, and seating charts. Supports block schedule, traditional and trimester academic school years. Email student progress reports. Allows multiple terms per semester, letter and/or number grades, conduct/citizenship grades, text and numerical comments, non-graded assignments, user categories, discard lowest scores, and optional ID numbers. Many features for elementary and secondary teachers.Individual progress reports for students/parents include assignment date, title, points possible, points earned, letter grade, category averages, grading trend, personal and general comments, absences, tardies, missing assignments, optional parent signature, optional grade override, weighting, low test/homework/lab/quiz grade throw out, uses teacher's grading scale and calculation methods, extra credit, optional semester and final year exams.Features
Software Languages
Last Revision
November 05, 2023
Operating System