God Eater 3 for Windows
4.1 (100

BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Europe
The description of God Eater 3 - Play With New Friends
Humanity vs BeastsMonster hunting games are great fun to play thanks to the quick tactics and real-time responses involved with them. They are even better to play with friends. GOD EATER 3 is an action game developed and published by BANDAI. It is a monster hunting game with anime aesthetics and some unique battle features.Monster hunting gamesgamesGOD EATER 3 actionPlot and PresentationGOD EATER 3 is set in a post-apocalyptic world that has been overrun by god-like monsters called Aragami. In order to prevent them from completely destroying the world, a team of special people called God Eaters is tasked to destroy them first. These God Eaters can combine with the Aragami and wield powerful weapons known as the God Arcs to accomplish this task. post-apocalyptic worldAragamiGod Eaters God ArcsAs mentioned above, GOD EATER 3 has a very anime-like aesthetic. This is in sharp contrast to its most popular contemporary, Monster Hunter, which favors a more MMORPG style. By itself, this fact isn’t that problematic, however, it’s not only in its graphics where the anime-influence is felt. anime-likeMonster HunterBoth the story and voice acting are reminiscent of typical anime shows as well. Whether this is a plus or a minus is a matter of personal preference, but the general plot of the game does feel a bit juvenile, and it’s not helped by the grating and exaggerated voice acting.GameplayDespite its rather common plot as well as typical graphics, GOD EATER 3 does have a lot of positives. Chief among these positives is the gameplay. If you’ve played a monster hunting game before, GOD EATER 3 won’t be too difficult to learn. Like that game, you must hunt down Aragami and kill them with your God Arcs.hunt down Aragami GOD EATER 3 has faster combat which makes the hacking and slashing much more satisfying and enjoyable. The game also introduces a new mechanic called Burst Arts. Players charge their Burst Arts meters whenever they eat an Aragami.faster combatBurst ArtsIn addition to the story mode missions, there are also the Assault missions. Assault missions are only available for multiplayer. Players can team up for a total of 8 people per team. The team has a five-minute time limit, so players must be quick to finish the mission.Assault missionsJuvenile, But EnjoyableGOD EATER 3 may not have a sophisticated story or award-winning voice acting, but it does have solid game mechanics and exciting, fast-paced gameplay. If you’re looking for a fun time-killer then GOD EATER 3 is a great option.exciting, fast-paced gameplay