GERNOVA Interweb for Windows
The description of GERNOVA Interweb - Play With New Friends
The Web-Content-Management-System (WCMS) GERNOVA Interweb provides the easy production and comfortable administration of your internet pages. With a special file system no database binding is necessary which can be reduce the operating costs. The whole management of the system occurs independently of place about the internet browser.With this system you can generate more than only simple internet pages. You can realize also interactive contents like votes, visitor counter, bot, chat, discussion forum, faq, forms, guest book, shop system, search, ticker or recommendations. The automatically generated navigation arranges the different contents by your instructions.The included tools supporting you by the administration of your internet pages, e.g. with the automatic production of the frameset, the check of the internal files for incorrect links, the backup or the search and installation of program updates. The help system is available at all steps, likewise over your internet browser, at any time.By the detailed rights assignment for every module you can split the management on several users. The combined use of the following points guarantees a high security:access control by individual user name and passwordcontrolled password qualitycoded storage of the access dataclear identification of every work session by session-idcomparison of session-id, user name and IP address with every processdocuments in treatment are blocked for other userstime-restricted work sessionslogging of all relevant processesSystem requirementsperl-interpreter version 5.00503 or higher at the alias address "/usr/bin/perl"installed standard modules of the perl-interpreterat least 10 MB of storage space on a web server (e.g., Apache) with supported CGI interface version 1.1 or higherexecution rights for free CGI's in all folders of the GERNOVA Interweb systemaccess to a mail serverown e-mail-address of the GERNOVA Interweb administratorown e-mail-address for each internal GERNOVA Interweb userHTTP and FTP access to the web server"index.html" as a default HTML-file name for foldersThe contents generated with GERNOVA Interweb can be displayed on every current internet browser. The internal configuration and administration of the GERNOVA Interweb system is possible exclusively with the following internet browsers and activated JavaScript:Internet Explorer 5.0 or higherNetscape 6.0 or higherFirefox 1.0.3 or higherOpera 7.11 or higherLicenseEach software package contains a license for 12 months. This license allows to storage and installation on one web server. You need for the production and administration of one internet presence in each case one license - independently of it, about how many domains your internet presence is accessible or as many internal users would like to use GERNOVA Interweb. The computation of the license duration begins at the time the provided activation key is used or 4 months after the acquisition of the system. If you would like to use GERNOVA Interweb for further 12 months, just acquire a new license.LinksGERNOVAOnline-TrialFeatures
Software Languages
Last Revision
November 05, 2023
Operating System