Fund Manager for Windows
The description of Fund Manager - Play With New Friends
Record your transaction history for an unlimited number of investments and portfolios. Track stocks, mutual funds, options, bonds, and cash accounts. Keep track of your purchases, redemptions, distributions, as well as advanced transactions, such as splits, recombinations, mergers, and spin-offs. Supports both long and short positions. Transactions can be entered manually, imported from a wide variety of formats, or retrieved directly from your broker or mutual fund company.Extensive graph options allow you to view your investments and portfolios in a variety of ways. Compare performance and gain insight into your positions. Choose from 29 customizable graph types displayed in the Graphs window.Support for First In First Out (FIFO), Average, or Specific Lot accounting methods. Capital Gain reports provide all the information required for tax reporting. Export capital gains to TurboTax or other popular tax preparation software. Wash sales are supported in the Professional and Advisor versions.Record your transaction history for an unlimited number of investments and portfolios. Track stocks, mutual funds, options, bonds, and cash accounts. Keep track of your purchases, redemptions, distributions, as well as advanced transactions, such as splits, recombinations, mergers, and spin-offs. Supports both long and short positions. Transactions can be entered manually, imported from a wide variety of formats, or retrieved directly from your broker or mutual fund company.Extensive graph options allow you to view your investments and portfolios in a variety of ways. Compare performance and gain insight into your positions. Choose from 29 customizable graph types displayed in the Graphs window.Support for First In First Out (FIFO), Average, or Specific Lot accounting methods. Capital Gain reports provide all the information required for tax reporting. Export capital gains to TurboTax or other popular tax preparation software. Wash sales are supported in the Professional and Advisor versions.Features
Software Languages
Last Revision
November 01, 2023
Operating System