Fora Reader

Fora Reader for Windows

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The description of Fora Reader - Play With New Friends

+ Multiple activation methods - select or combine in accordance with your comfort level with reading -> Hover activation - hover on the word of interest (useful when you need to translate words very frequently, for instance reading/translating a foreign document that's out of your profession) -> Selection activation - select the word you want to translate with mouse (useful for moderate and less frequent translations) -> Clipboard activation - copy the word you want to translate to the clipboard from any application+ Split views - true integration of browsing and dictionary applications+ Cross-lookup - translate words in a translation using another dictionary (avail more decent general dictionaries with the help of even a single small native dictionary that you understand at first look)+ Visual navigation - navigate visually within translations+ Complete dictionary management -> Add/Remove dictionary - drag and drop support, even archived dictionaries can be used as resource -> Enable/Disable dictionary - temporarily disable dictionaries you don't need at a given context -> Reorder dictionaries - reflect importance of dictionaries as it's order in the list -> Color identification - assign a unique color to visually identify dictionary in translations -> Profiles for arrangements: save and reuse dictionary arrangements devoted to specific contexts+ Support for multiple dictionary formats -> XDXF (XML) dictionaries -> DICTD database dictionaries -> StarDict dictionaries -> Plain text dictionaries+ Online dictionaries support + Tabbed interface - features are organized as trivial tabs, for instance, you can translate several words simultaneously in separate tabs


Software Languages
Last Revision
November 05, 2023
Operating System

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