The description of FileMarker.NET Free - Play With New Friends
FileMarker.NET is a compact, intuitive and highly flexible tool for changing file icons in Windows. Mac users have been enjoying file and folder color-coding for years and the time has come for Windows users to join them and be finally able to customize file icon images to their liking.
File marking can be used in a great number of situations and for purposes ranging from basic labeling to turning file icons into multi-functional project progress indicators. If you work with multiple files at the same time within one or more projects and have lots of deadlines to meet, being able to prioritize your work becomes truly invaluable. For instance, you can use FileMarket.NET to mark files that must be completed by the end of the week with a yellow color, as well as to set priorities and completion values. This way, you will always have a clear picture of the amount of work lying ahead and your progress on particular tasks.
The program allows you to color-mark a file, or add a label to it, or use a combination of a color and a label of one of the following types: priority (high, normal, low), project completeness (done, half-done, planned), project status (approved, rejected, pending) and type of information (work, important, temp, private). Using the program is extremely easy - the customizable context menu is opened by right-clicking the necessary file. Custom file icons are applied immediately after the user selects the corresponding command. With FileMarker.NET, you can even copy or move files with customized icons to another system with a copy of the program installed - and the original appearance of the files will be completely preserved.
FileMarker.NET is a powerful productivity-boosting tool that will help you mark and prioritize the most important files, separate your files from others' files, optimize your daily work and work environment and, finally, liven up your file lists by adding non-standard icons and colors.