FastProxySwitch for Windows
The description of FastProxySwitch - Play With New Friends
Working in modern corporate environments often requires us to be onthe run, switching networks, connections, rooms, VPN networks andoffices. It wouldn't be so frustrating were it not for the necessityto change network connection settings every time you log into anothernetwork. Another problem is that access to the necessary resources isoften blocked by zealous system administrators adhering to corporateInternet usage and security policies. In such cases a well-configuredproxy server can become the remedy. But what if you need more that oneproxy? What if you are using your laptop computer both at home and atwork to surf the web anonymously? If you are searching for an easy-to-use solution that will allow you to quickly switch between variousproxy settings and minimize the time for logging into new networks,make sure you don't overlook FastProxySwitch!FastProxySwitch is a compact application which resides in your systemtray and enables you to change active proxy settings on the go in justa couple of mouse clicks. The concept is simple: whenever you want toactivate new proxy settings, just select the appropriate option in thedropdown menu of the application. FastProxySwitch works with bothconfiguration scripts and proxy servers. The program is smart enoughto automatically read your current proxy settings for all existingconnections the first time you start it. Whenever you modify yourproxy settings in FastProxySwitch, the changes are applied to your IEand system settings at once. The program also automates some routinesby running cleanups and external applications before/after the changeof proxy settings and deleting the applied proxy settings.Not only does FastProxySwitch facilitate networking tasks, it alsoprotects your anonymity by purging IE history, deleting temporaryInternet files, cookies, cache and incorrectly typed URL's.Don't miss FastProxySwitch - a reliable network aide you can alwaystrust!Features
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Last Revision
November 05, 2023
Operating System