FandiX-Modul 3: Heyne Science Fiction & Fantasy...

FandiX-Modul 3: Heyne Science Fiction & Fantasy... for Windows

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Gerhard Hackenbracht

The description of FandiX-Modul 3: Heyne Science Fiction & Fantasy... - Play With New Friends

The day of the Triffids: If there is any milestone in the history of German Science Fiction, for sure it is this novel of the Brit John Wyndham. It was published in 1960 as part of the series "Heyne Taschenbücher" of Heyne publishing house and was the first SF-title and should be was followed by others. Finally, in 1964 after publishing 25 issues as part of the general series No. 3026 became the first volume of an own Science Fiction paperback-series. No. 3001 to 3025 had been reserved and partly covered later on with new editions of the formerly released titles. The first responsible editor was Günter M. Schelwokat. Under his auspices an exquisite selection of works mainly of Anglo-American and British authors with a high reputation had been published. At that time the series differed clearly from the scarce supply of other publishers of that genre. The first fantasy novel, "Conan", was published in 1970. With it the Fantasy genre became established as a regular and more and more equal part of the series. Moreover, "Conan" was the birth of another phenomenon. Very early there had been series established within the series, for example Foundation, Isher, or Dune. Today, after more than thirty years Conan is still running and has been the first endless series published by Heyne. Several others should follow, for example Scorpio, the Star Trek novels in all its varieties, Battletech, Shadowrun, the Wheel of Time, Das Schwarze Auge. At the beginning seventies Schelwokat who worked at the Moewig publishing house at the same time, got support by Herbert W. Franke and Wolfgang Jeschke. A younger but already international very successful generation of authors came into the supply. Especially Jeschke who became SF-editor of Heyne publishing house in 1978 and the responsible SF-editor in 1979 led the anthology into a flourishing period. The main emphasis had not been classical stories and authors. On the contrary he gave young promising and also German writing authors a platform to present their work. In the meantime together with Jeschke Sascha Mamczak and Friedel Wahren, who cares for the Fantasy-part, are responsible for the series. After more than 40 years Heyne Science Fiction and Fantasy has developed to a trade-mark for a broad but well balanced supply of Science Fiction and Fantasy literature. Works oriented on the mainstream with high editions enable the publisher to finance highly decorated and expensive authors as well as to promote mainly unknown authors worth to support. Several international awards give evidence of a continously high quality over the years and the success of that strategy of Heyne publishing house. More than 3000 titles have been published during more than 40 years. Not only for fans - Heyne Science Fiction and Fantasy is the greatest and most important SF paperback-series in German language. Heyne Science Fiction and Fantasy Vol. 1 is the third module of the FandiX-Series.


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