ExamJet Quiz Maker for Windows
The description of ExamJet Quiz Maker - Play With New Friends
ExamJet is an advanced test and quiz management softwareExamJet is an advanced test and quiz management software. It gives you all the necessary tools to create and publish test and quizzes, receive comprehensive reports and analyze them.In addition, ExamJet includes a large number of specific reports which will enable you to view only the information that you really need.ExamJet is designed so that lots of students can take a test simultaneously while you control the testing process through the central management console.We believe that the learning process should be easy and joyful. So we create learning management system and quiz maker software. We believe that this is the key to deliver the knowledge in the 21th century.ExamJet is suitable for teachers, human resource managers, trainers and studentsExamJet is an advanced test and quiz management software. It gives you all the necessary tools to create and publish test and quizzes, receive comprehensive reports and analyze them.In addition, ExamJet includes a large number of specific reports which will enable you to view only the information that you really need.ExamJet is designed so that lots of students can take a test simultaneously while you control the testing process through the central management console.We believe that the learning process should be easy and joyful. So we create learning management system and quiz maker software. We believe that this is the key to deliver the knowledge in the 21th century.ExamJet is suitable for teachers, human resource managers, trainers and studentsFeatures
Software Languages
Last Revision
October 31, 2023
Operating System