Event.exe for Windows
The description of Event.exe - Play With New Friends
Event.exe analyzes a Windows event log by counting the occurrences of each event. You can analyze the log of a local or remote computer, or request an analysis of the same log on many computers by submitting a list of computer names. EVENT [-e ] [-m | -i ] [-o ] [-n ] [-s] [-reb] [-src ] [-type ] [-date ] [-?] -e Event log name. Default is System. Names with spaces must be enclosed in double quotes. -m Computer name or IP Address (no backslashes). Default is local computer. -i Name of input file listing computer names. -o Pathame of output file. -n Event ID. Adds the event description to the results. -s Summarize. Display summary for matching event ID's from multiple machines. -src Source name. Display details for the specified source name only. -reb Reboot date and time. Display the machine name and reboot time only. (Used only with input file.) -type Event type. Display only events of a specific type. (i.e. Error, Warning, Information.) -date Event date. Display only events from a specific date. Specify month and day values using single digits. (i.e. 09/01/00 is expressed as 9/1/2000.) -? Help Examples: event (Default: analyzes the system log on the local computer). event -m Server01 -e Application -n 2010 event -m DCserver2 -e "Directory Service" -o dc.log event -n 213 -i mc.txt -o d:eventlogsmisc.log Notes: Do not include backslashes (\) before computer names, either on the command line or when using an input file. The input file option lets you analyze the same log on many computers. Create a text file with one computer name or IP address on each line. Specify the path and input file name. (Default is the current directory.) If the output file contains text, Event.exe appends its results to the existing text.Features
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Last Revision
November 05, 2023
Operating System