Event Log Manager for Windows
The description of Event Log Manager - Play With New Friends
The program Event Log Manager is intended for management of Event Logs of Windows (NT etc.).After installation Windows journals System, Security and Application at once are created. Our program does not concern journals System and Security.Event Log Manager allows:a) To create new journals (as Application). And really creates a journal, instead of representation Application.b) To redistribute sources of events between journals.c) To delete journals (except for Application), which the sources of events are not nominated by.Typical use of the program is a creation of a new journal and carry to him of a source of events from a journal Application. it conveniently, if the program - source of events - requires the special attention of the manager or too actively writes in a journal Application and, thus, complicates viewing of events of other sources.Developer - Siberia Way companysiberiaway.comFeatures
Software Languages
Last Revision
November 05, 2023
Operating System