Editor.NET ten for Windows
The description of Editor.NET ten - Play With New Friends
Editor.Net is an advanced code editor allowing integration of a highly flexible edit control in your .NET applications. It has almost all the features that can be found in the Visual Studio.NET code Editor, including customizable syntax highlighting, code outlining, code completion, unlimited undo/redo, bookmarks, word wrap, drag-n-drop, search/replace, and displaying gutter/margin/line numbers. Editor.Net is designed to highlight syntax for more than 20 predefined programming languages such as C, C#, Delphi, Xml, Html, etc. and can be extended to perform syntax highlighting for virtually unlimited number of programming languages. Editor.Net is written in C# and built on .NET classes. It ships with full source code, including design-time codeFeatures
Software Languages
Last Revision
November 05, 2023
Operating System