DS Plugin System Pro for Windows
The description of DS Plugin System Pro - Play With New Friends
System is based on TDataModule structure and provide you with flexible way to manage your plugins. You can create them as a BPL or DLL, you could mix them in your application.System provides you with Delphi IDE wizard to help you create initial code for your Plugin, after this you could extend functionality in any ways.Structure of the system allows you create independant as well as dependant plugins. In second case you could specify plugin dependancy, which means plugin itself will control environment it runs in and inform you (plugin manager) when required information is missed. This could help you handle many situations when system became unstable because some components of system not available as well as allow you handle intermodular dependancy during load process.One more advantage of the system is its real time configuration.You can register and unregister plugins at any time.You can load and unload plugins at any time.System supports thread-safe mechanizm and provides you with lock/unlock functionality.Features:Take advantage of modular system - break large application into multiple modules, lower a memory usage, customize application logic by customizing active plug-ins.Lower support cost and time for updates by providing customers with update-on-the-fly functionalityCreate new plugin in "one" click using form wizardWork with plugin within your IDE with Object Inspector - define commands and parameters at design timeManage all your plugins with advanced Plugin Manager component. Get a full contrl over loading and activating your pluginsDebug your plugins easily - from your Delphi IDE - DSPS framework is transparent for runtime and design time environment.Mix DLL and BPL plugins in your application.Take advantage of flexable structure:Plugin Manager - heart of your system, it manages registration, loading, initialization and unloading of your plugins.Commands - allows you create and manage wide range of fuctionality, providing you with flexible and dynamic way of handling your business logic.Parameters - easy to extend, easy to access. Allows you send and receive any types of data into and from your commands.Message system allows you handle plugin communication when commands are not appropriate.Access your logic with objects and interfaces.Full support for serialized callsAvailable with full source code and demosCode Options wizard added: - template for unit list - Support for BPL dependency list - define Plug-in initialization sequence from your codeDemos available:Dynamic Forms in plug-insDefine you DB Access in plug-in.Call serializationFeatures
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Last Revision
November 05, 2023
Operating System