Dr. Unarchiver-open RAR,ZIP,7Z,Gzip,BZ for free for Windows
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Trend Micro Inc. トレンドマイクロ株式会社
The description of Dr. Unarchiver-open RAR,ZIP,7Z,Gzip,BZ for free - Play With New Friends
A handy toolDr. Unarchiver is the go-to tool for all your compressing and extracting needs. The software supports many different file formats like ZIP, RAR, GZIP, TAR, and a whole lot more. If there is one thing that Dr. Unarchiver can be proud of, it is its ability to let you preview archived files even without extracting them yet. This tool is user-friendly and it wouldn’t take an expert to know how to navigate around it. Its interface is pretty simple yet straightforward so you know where you need to go and what you need to click. Dr. Unarchiver toolcompressing extracting user-friendlystraightforward