Dew Lab Studio for .NET for Windows
The description of Dew Lab Studio for .NET - Play With New Friends
Dew Lab Studio includes Dew Math library and additional signal analysis (Dew Signal) and statistical analysis (Dew Stats) add-on packages.Features include:- fast object oriented numerical library for VS2005.NET, VS2008.NET and VS2010.NET- support for 64bit native mode- take advantage of multi core CPU's automatically in your numerical applications.- ability to achieve optimal performance for numerical algorithms and speed up .NET floating point by 3-10x matching the speed of highly optimized unmanaged code. - LAPACK based - Complete support for complex numbers for all functions. - Rich set of matrix and vector functions and operators.- Solver for banded sparse matrices, Iterative sparse solvers, Direct sparse solver for non-symmetric matrices. Conversions support Banded, Dense, Sparse and Triplets matrix formats- 23 probability distributions (PDF, CDF and inverse CDF function), special functions, optimization routines, random generators and distribution parameter estimation.- superfast vectorized math expression parser and evaluator- 1D and 2D FFT's, correlations and autocorrelations.- arbitrary functions of matrix including square root of matrix and logarithm of matrixStatistics- Descriptive statistics- Hypothesis testing- Weighted/unweigted linear and multiple linear regression.- Weighted/unweighted non-linear regression- Time series analysis (ARMA, ARIMA, ARAR, MA, AR, ...)- PCA, multivariante analysis, ...Signal processing- IIR filters (Cheybshev I and II, Butterworth and Elliptic).- FIR filters (Remez and Kaiser) with complete filter design support. - Standard and extended Kalman filtering- Modulators/demodulators- Non-linear filters - Spectral analysis, cross spectral analysis and higher order bispectral analysis- Conversions between different forms of transfer function- Audio recording and playback components including ASIO- interpolated FIR filters, DCT/IDCT- real factor rate conversionFeatures
Software Languages
Last Revision
November 05, 2023
Operating System