Desktop Organizer for Windows
The description of Desktop Organizer - Play With New Friends
Desktop organizer lets you remove the icons from your Windows desk top and place them in organized groups of commonly used applications allowing easy access to your applications, it allows you to launch multiple applications and set transparencey level so all you see is your wall paper. Drag and Drop icons from your screen or explorer onto the Desktop Organizer pages either in copy or move mode. Sits unobtrusively at the bottom right or top right of your screen at the height and width you set waiting for you to activate it by siply moving your mouse into it's region.Other options include opacity, background color, font color, font weight, multi select, allow edit of file names, tab position and of course the default tab at start up.The option Remove opacity on mouse capture sets the maximum intensity of the background color whenever the mouse pointer is within Desktop Organizer's regions this allows you to have a clear view of your wall paper when the Desktop organizer is not in use.Click the taskbar icon to bring it to the front of all running applications, Ctrl + Enter launches a single (selected) application or multiple applications you select on a single page. Access windows explorer from the Desktop Organizer's pop up menu.Use it and you won't be able to do without it.Features
Software Languages
Last Revision
November 05, 2023
Operating System