Danger Zone for Windows
4 (0

Three Fields Entertainment
The description of Danger Zone - Play With New Friends
Ultimate Road Rage in Danger ZoneDanger Zone is a game that will let you put the pedal to the metal, put your skills to the test, and put your vehicle to the limits! Step into your chosen vehicle and see if you can survive an onslaught of crashes, smashes and bashes. Are you a tough enough driver to survive this ordeal?Danger! Danger!Danger Zone takes place in a crash testing facility where cars are tested for safety purposes. Your job is to test-drive a car while it is put through all manner of dangerous scenarios. If you survive, you make cash. And the more disasters you can survive, the bigger the crashes, the more danger you put yourself into, the more money you will make at the end of the day. Grab hold of Bonus Pickups song the way if you want the biggest payload possible.A Range of ScenariosDanger Zone features 20 different scenarios that place you into the heat of automotive danger. The heavier the traffic gets, the greater the potential for explosive mayhem grows. For the truly hardcore players there is a range of gold and platinum medals to earn, plus achievements - the more skilfully you survive the twenty missions, the more rewards you will get. On the other hand, if you just want to sit back and make stuff go boom, that will work as well!