Computer Admin Lite for Windows
The description of Computer Admin Lite - Play With New Friends
Computer Admin Lite is a powerful and easy-to-use database for asset management. With many of the features of Computer Admin Pro developed completely with FileMaker Pro 5.5. Asset Management: Consolidate your computer hardware and software information: computer name, OS, peripherals, serial and asset id numbers.Computer Admin Lite gives you the ability to search by virtually any criteria and includes a variety of helpful reports. Track for Multiple Companies: Computer Admin Lite makes it simple for you to track computers owned by multiple companies.Just tag each computer with the owner's company name and you can easily run separate reports for each company! Compliance Maintain a catalog of all software licenses and where each license is installed. Web Access Access data through a web browser when you use Computer Admin Pro in conjunction with a registered version of FileMaker Pro v.5. 5 or higher. Create new records, modify or delete existing records via an XML compatible web browser. Learn more about FileMaker Pro web publishing abilities here. Flexibility Computer Admin Lite can import data from any tab or comma delimited file as well as SYLK, DIF and WKS spreadsheets and FileMaker Pro databases.This gives you the ability to easily consolidate multiple files and eliminate duplication of work across departments. You can also export from Computer Admin Lite to the same formats for sharing information throughout your organization. Reporting Print a report of all company hardware and software assets. Create a snapshot report of an individual computer including all installed software and registration codes.Computer Admin Lite is a powerful and easy-to-use database for asset management. With many of the features of Computer Admin Pro developed completely with FileMaker Pro 5.5. Asset Management:Computer Admin Lite gives you the ability to search by virtually any criteria and includes a variety of helpful reports. Track for Multiple Companies:Just tag each computer with the owner's company name and you can easily run separate reports for each company! ComplianceWeb Access5. 5 or higher. Create new records, modify or delete existing records via an XML compatible web browser. Learn more about FileMaker Pro web publishing abilities here.FlexibilityThis gives you the ability to easily consolidate multiple files and eliminate duplication of work across departments. You can also export from Computer Admin Lite to the same formats for sharing information throughout your organization.ReportingFeatures
Software Languages
Last Revision
November 01, 2023
Operating System